Monday, October 12, 2009

Photos aka what Mr Handsom does all day

So when the boy isn't gaming or talking to people in far off places he takes photos or edits photos or writes about photos on the blog he and his friend/mentor run. And when he isn't doing that he is pouring over the Google Analyitics of the blog trying to figure out how to get more readers. It's so much more technical than I can bothered to be about the whole blogging thing.

In an attempt to assist him in his quest for more readers I got him a great little ebook from Craftypod, Diane Gilleland's craft blog/shop/self contained universe. The ebook is Creating a Blog Audience. It's full of advice, handy tips and such that even non-audience-interested people such as myself will find useful. It's also really well written, so when I was just having a glance through before I passed it over, I actually got sucked into reading half of it and felt sad when I had to hand the computer over.

But the blog in question here is not my little (and somewhat insignificant) corner of the intertubes, but Metaphor Online, Mr Handsome's main project. They have little run downs on some great photographers in Australia and overseas. It's still in its infancy but the boys are off to a good start. I think so anyway.

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