Wednesday, October 14, 2009

One down, one to go

For the next twenty minutes I am going to revel in the fact that I have churned out my 2500 word essay within word limit, choc full of lovely references and with a nice bibliography.

For the next twenty minutes I am going to ignore the fact that I have another 2500 essay to write, research and reference ready to hand in by 12pm tomorrow.

In the next twenty minutes or so I am going to saddle up the palominos, grab my packed lunch and head to uni to hand in the first essay.

Then for the remaining 26 hours I am going to chain myself to my laptop and write like a demon. I am about to go hide my spindle and all knitting projects and I will be passing along instruction to my nearest and dearest to kindly clip me over the ear if they catch me on non-educational websites.

Blog, if there isn't a post here tomorrow afternoon assume I am either dead, passed out celebrating or, and lord we hope it aint so, still writing.

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