Friday, July 3, 2009


WEEEEEEEEE!!! I finally won something! I enter blog giveaways a little half heartedly, seeing as nothing has ever come of my entries but at last, VICTORY! The giveaway was hosted by Julie of Little Cotton Rabbits, a very cute little site with some great free patterns. (Digression: I knitted her cupcake as the decoration on my sister's birthday card a couple of years ago. You'd have though I'd hand selected a star from the night sky and tied it on the card, so well was it received.) The prize in question was one of her new Hedgehog patterns.... extreme cuteness. Makes me wish I had some brown tweed stashed to get it underway... alas, I think a trip to the yarn store is in order (Damn!). Julie is selling said hedgehogs and donating money to the hedgehog protection peeps... get on board.

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