Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Casting on (I mean it this time)

Since finishing my Mrs Darcy Cardigan my knitting has mostly been pfaffing around with little bits of not very much. I re-knitted the toes of some socks, I started a hat, I had a stab at a lace shawl, I gave crochet a go with another hat.... more on all of these later (except the socks because they were kinda boring). All in all, not much got done. Until now... New Leaf Time.

I purchased issue 7 of Jo Sharp's Knit after some good sales(wo)manship on the part of Pauline at Yarns on Collie.
A couple of weeks later, I bought a ball each of alpaca kid luster in Brew and Soho summer cotton in ... mystery colour. Oh wait here is a ball band: DK summer cotton in Eclipse.

I did a swatch, all well and good after going down a couple of needle sizes. Forgot to write down what needle size I got gague with. Ripped out the swatch and set it all aside until I had some spare cash to drop on yarn.

Skip forward a month or two.... Go and by lots of yarn from the lovely Pauline. None of my dye lot left, oh well,wasn't really expecting there to be after so long. Got the yarn at 20% off which made me so happy I went and bought a whole lot more yarn to bump up my stash.

Then I had to swatch again, after not writing down the results of the first one. I have just finished getting gague on my 7mm addi Clicks, which sounds vaguely like what I got the first time around. This is three needle sizes smaller then the pattern recommends. I am not that pattern experienced yet, I don't really know how my gaugue matches with other peoples, but that seems like a BIG jump to me. Whatever.

So now to the cast on...

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