Thursday, June 18, 2009

Itchy Fingers

Dying to cast on something new... thinking the ubiquitous February Lady Sweater. I still have a butt-load of Berocco Ultra Alpaca from when I thought a knee length stockingette cardigan was a good idea. Also getting marginally bored with the plain moss stitch scarf. I could, of course, work on one of my many other projects already cast on: the drop stitch vest, the lumina singlet, the hedera socks, the grown up booties... all these projects and more need knitting. I just have a serious case of startitis.

Monday, June 15, 2009

A hat for a girl, a scarf for a boy

The hat for my mean little sister. Finished a while ago, not photographed until today. The sister in question is at an exam and thus not around to be a model for me. There was no way I was going to take a photo of myself- I look exactly as I feel at the moment, like my head is about to explode and spray mucus in a 10 metre radius. Charming I know. Also my nose is all red. Not particularly photogenic. If my picture is going to enter cyberspace for time immemorial, I want it to look nice at least.

A Scarf that was promised months ago for Mister. It was started a couple of times, then frogged. Here it is progressing in (hopefully) its last incarnation. I made him pick the yarn. I made him pick the stitch pattern. If he doesn't like it, it's his own damn fault. I am actually pretty pleased with it. The yarns are delightful. Both, for different reasons. The harmony is surprising. I've never knit with felted yarn before, but I like it! springy, soft, the perfect shade of grey. The Jo Sharp looks a bit unassuming and marginally scratchy in the ball but the subtle variation in colour knits up gloriously.
The needles that I am using are a pure joy to knit with. They are Swallow 3.75mm Timbregrain needles. I am 99% sure they are celluloid. I accidentally stuck one in my mouth when I was bending down to pick up an errant ball of yarn and it tasted disgusting. I believe that is the test for celluloid. Correct me if I am wrong. Anyway, they rock my world. They are flexi, warmish, perfectly pointed and magnificent. Moss stitch makes my sickie brain happy. Mister seems to be pleased with my progress.
That is all that matters.

(Good little blog keeper!)

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Bad blog keeper!

I know, I know, a bit of self-flagellation is in order. I have been naughtily slack. We all knew I was never going to be the best of blog keepers, but a month is a little inexcusable. Exciting things that happened in said month:

* The boy is back! Thank you K Ruddy and your stimulation package. In a nod to the Aussie economy, I made sure that I purchased a Qantas flight for him, even though it was far from the cheapest. I figured if someone else was footing the bill, I might as well do the right thing by my country. (How uncharacteristically patriotic of me.)

* I finished first semester of Uni. I am yet to sit exams (see point 3), but I feel pretty good about it all.

* I have had a mystery viral disease, which I was marginally worried was H1N1. My worries were unfounded, it wasn't even regular old influenza A. It definitely hit me for six though. As a result, my exams have been deferred for a month.

* My knitting funk is all gone. I am excited to knit again. I went to the World Wide Knit in Public Day last Saturday and got to meet a whole bunch of other Perth knitters who were all super cool. I also woke up at 4 am this morning and was unable to get back to sleep. I spent the majority of the time thinking about knitting. Projects I am working on, projects I'd like to start, techniques I'd like to use.... all those good things. I am pretty excited I must say.

and zat is zat. No pictures or anything cool, we are just working with baby steps here. I am sick after all!
